Tuesday 21 February 2012

Preliminary Task

We had to shoot this preliminary task twice, as the first time we did not have any sound in the footage. The setting was an editing room which was very small and caused us to slightly break the 180 degree rule on the match on action, fortunately it is quite unnoticeable.
This is where the sequence will be shot. The couple will be standing at this lake while the killer watches them from the trees.

This is where the "party" scene of the sequence will be shot. Hopefully it will snow again before the shoot as I think it will give the film a creepier atmosphere.

Risk Assessment

Production crew tripping overWe will minimze the risk by clearing the pathway for the crew prior to shooting of sticks, rocks etc and having 1 or 2 grips to support the cameraman.

Weathering damage to equipment
We will make sure a member of production has an umbrella at all times whilst outside, incase of rain, snow etc.

Equipment List

Skateboard (for dolly shot)
Fake knife
Fake blood

Shot List

Once the 'party' has arrived (13:00 - 14:00 with high natural light)

1 - Establishing shot + pan to 'party'
2 - Point of view shot of party (from behind trees)
3 - Dolly shot around party 25-30 seconds
4 - Long shot of Party (Lucy's POV)

Shots of Lucy & Jason (14:00 - 16:00 natural light fading and sunset)

1 - Long shot
2 - Medium shot
3 - Close up (Jason)
5 - Over the shoulder shot (Jason)
6 - Over the shoulder shot (Lucy)
7 - Medium shot - Jason getting up
8 - Long shot - from Jason's new position
9 - Medium - Lucy looking at Jason, then to party, then back to Jason
11 - Long shot, pan (following Lucy)
12 - Medium shot of Jason walking (Lucy following in the background)
13 - Point of view shot from behind trees (of couple)

Shots with the Killer (Lower natural lighting)

1 - Two shot at destination - long take (looking at sunset, taking his hand, kiss & stabbing)
2 - Close up of hands
3 - Close up of Lucy kissing Jason
4 - Point of view shot (sunset)
5 - Point of view shot (killer behind trees)
6 - Close up of Killer (stabbing motion)

Shots with applied fake blood (Low natural lighting)

1 - Low angle inverted shot (of killer)
2 - High angle inverted shot (of Jason from Lucy's pov)
3 - Low angle medium shot (behind Lucy stepping backwards)
4 - Close up (Lucy)
5 - Medium shot (behind Lucy)
6 - Close up of knfe
7 - Low angle shot of killer (Jason's pov)
8 - Long shot (behind Lucy)

Thursday 9 February 2012



A park at twilight hour. A group of teenagers are hanging around, some sitting on logs, talking, laughing. Two of them, a Jason and Lucy are sitting together away from the others. Jason stands up suddenly and walks off.

Where are you going?

Jason pauses and looks at her.

C'mon I'll show you!

Jason speed walks down the path. Lucy follows from behind. They reach a lake with the sunset shining over


Here we are

They both look out into the horizon 

Oh wow. Its so nice

They remain silent for a while. She takes his hand and they kiss. Suddenly someone comes up from behind and stabs Jason in the back. He drops to his knees and the killer is revealed behind him. He is wearing a mask and carring a large knife. Jason groans in pain on the ground. Lucy backs up terrified, too shocked to scream.

JASON (Shouting)
Lucy, run!!

Lucy turns quickly and runs. The killer stands there watching her leave while Jason is dying on the ground. The killer raises his knife again and finishes off Jason as the screen cuts to black.

Production Schedule

11:00 - 1:00 Rehearsal
13:30 - 14:00 Establish shot
14:00 - 14:30 Filming of the 'party'
14:30 - 16:30 Filming Lucy & Jason's dialogue
16:30 - 17:30 Filming the murder scene

Cast and Crew

Ben Aldis...Director
Lee Squires...Editor

Cast required
1 male, 17-20 yr old - costume: winter coat, hat, jeans, boots.
1 female, 17-20 yr old - costume: winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, jeans, boots.
1 male, at least 5 foot tall - costume: white hoody, light-colour trousers, scary mask
8, mixed, 17-20 yr olds.

Production crew
Director, cinematographer, key grip/sound man, prop supplier.

Lucy - Martina Bassenger
Jason - Lee Squires
Killer - Michael Chamberlain

Call Sheet
Ben Aldis - 07503735637
Lewis Prior - 07512030888
Lee Squires - 07809614467
Martina Bassenger - 07963722769
Michael Chamberlain - 07817706886

Roles and Responsibilities

Ben Aldis - Director and Cinematographer; storyboard
Lee Squires - Producer and Editor; script
