Sunday 1 April 2012


Question 4

Target Audience: 15-25 Year olds

I think horror films would appeal to both genders. Genres like Action (Dirty Harry, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard) and Romance (Dirty Dancing, Ghost, The Notebook) have an almost fixed group to appeal to. However, Horror can appeal to everyone since they "elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears." Surely everyone, both male and female, can identify with this.

The films that they would mostly likely enjoy are big budget, mainstream films such as Transformers, Harry Potter, Twilight, as well as other popular horror franchises like Paranormal Activity and Saw.
Weekend activities would include spending time with friends going to malls, clubs and the cinema; all excellent places to advertise a film with posters, billboards, trailers etc.
Many people in this age group are also avid facebook and twitter users. Our film would benefit from having an official page on these networks containing trailers, clips, links and apps.



This is a rough poster of our film taking inspiration from horrors of the 70s and 80s such as Jaws and The Thing. However looking at at now, this design would probably not work as it looks outdated and should be more similar to modern horror film posters, like the ones shown below, to gain a wider appeal.


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